Latitude N 31° 43' 59"    Longitude W 86° 21' 16"    Elevation 421 ft

This page shows various weather system details as of 20:26 on 08 January 2024.

Error Data
Station Data Feed:
Time last data was read from station 1/8/2024 8:26:25 PM
Latest Error:
Error Time: ---- ------
Cumulus Version (Build) v1.9.4 (1079)
Realtime Update Interval 8 seconds
Website Update Interval 6 minutes
Last Update Time 1/8/2024 8:26:25 PM
Log Rollover Time midnight
Davis Hardware
Total number of data packets received 0
Number of missed data packets 28560
Percentage of good packets received
Number of times the console resynchronised with the transmitter 70
Longest streak of consecutive packets received 0
Number of packets received with CRC errors 0
The console firmware version 3.12
Console battery condition 4.69v
ISS battery condition ok
Station Info
Station Type Davis VP2
Station Latitude N 31° 43' 59"
Station Longitude W 86° 21' 16"
Station Altitude 421 ft
System Info
OS Version Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
CPU Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.13GHz (1 cores)
Memory Status 519/1023 MB (free/total)
Allocated Memory to Cumulus 25.22 MB
Disk Remaining 58.02 GB
Cumulus Uptime 28 days 3 hours
Server Uptime 53 days 4 hours
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Page updated 1/8/2024 8:26:25 PM
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1079)